Friday, July 6, 2012

Good news everyone!

One of my photos will be at an exhibition in September!

"The exhibition consists of three modules / parts that are right next to each other. Your photo is thought to be "top picture" of all this, that is, it probably must be trimmed slightly to be more" panoramic " and it must be divided into three parts."

"the 2nd of Setpember is the international wetlands day that we mark, with activities and talks, and with the official opening of the new exhibition."

For anyone who is interested in seeing it, the exhibition it will be at:

Fetsund Lenser
Lundveien 3
1900 Fetsund

More information about the place:

A motherload of motifs!

There's not going to be much philosophy going on in this post, since I've been pretty preoccupied lately. Just some nice photos for you to look at :) 

I had been feeling sick for a few days, but when Sondre and Magnus asked me to come along on a short trip out to where Magnus' family has a cabin, I couldn't refuse :) and I found a lot of nice things to photograph.. this tiny flower for instance

After a bit of climbing and rummaging around in bushes I found this old tree :) and standing knee deep in tick-infested underbrush was definitely worth it x)